Rebuild Your Relationship with Food and Stop Obsessing Over the Scale

Nutrition Coach

Ashlee Wright

Welcome to Why Eat Wise! I’m Ashlee Wright, Registered Dietitian Nutrition Coach. If you’re tired of the yo yo diet hamster wheel. You’ve come to the right place.

Why Eat Wise has 4 key components:

NO FOOD RESTRICTION – Learn to eat all of the foods you love and make them part of your plan rather than part of the bad foods list.

FOOD RELATIONSHIP – Fix the broken relationship with food that has come from years of yo yo dieting. You will learn to lose the guilt and shame surrounding eating.

OVERCOMING THE NUMBERS – Learn how to never fall victim to the scale again. Learn why that number is NOT the end all be all. Learn how to not let your weight define you.

MAKING IT STICK – How to make habits that stick for the long haul, getting rid of the short term fixes that don’t set you up for long term success.

What I do

Are you sick of yo yo dieting?

Let’s focus on simple, truthful knowledge to give you what you need most – help and support. No judgement. No restrictive cycle.