Saying Goodbye to New Year’s Resolutions

This time of year, New Year’s Resolutions are buzzing around like bees.

However, I have a different thought behind resolutions. How about we say no to ’em instead of setting one?

So picture this, you’ve set a resolution to eat healthier, or exercise more and you set these big, lofty goals for yourself. Maybe you want to go to the gym 6 days a week in the morning before work. Or maybe you want to cut out your carbs. Well, I have news for you. For one, don’t ever cut out all of your carbs (we need them and they get put on the naughty list all too often!). Next, think about how realistic the goal is that you’ve set for yourself. Is 6 days at the gym something you can keep up?

How about a 10 minute walk after your dinner meal, does that sounds more realistic? Of course it does! And, most importantly, it sounds EASY. Let’s stop these crazy dieting goals once and for all.

This whole new year new you stuff needs to go – there was nothing wrong with the version of you that existed at 11:59 PM on New Year’s Eve. How about we make it a goal to continue to improve ourselves little by little each day rather than making dramatic changes on a certain day of the year. Who started the New Year’s resolution anyway?

If you’re looking to change your habits, Atomic Habits is a book I would dive into in 2023. James Clear is a game changer.

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